Renewal and Re-dedication

Happy Easter everyone. For me Easter is a time of renewal and re-dedication, so today, that is exactly what I'm doing. I'm re-dedicating myself to living a healthy lifestyle with new goals. I've been struggling with food for the past couple of months, so in honor of spring, I'm going to work on eating more veggies and fruits, less ice cream....also, I'm going to renew my exercise goals and strive for 30 minutes of walking 6 days/week and 20-30 minutes of strength training/toning 5 days/week. The walking part is pretty natural for me, as I try to take 2-15 minutes walk breaks each day at work. The strength/toning part is going to take more discipline. I'll keep you updated on my progress. I've also set my first weight loss goal of the spring. 10 lbs by my birthday in July. It's do-able and will more than likely be adjusted as I move forward. One of the projects I started in August of 2009, was to scrapbook my journey to a healthier life, I've slacked off since I got back from Hawaii last year, so now with my re-dedication, I will continue on that project as well.

On the project front today, I've completed my Mother's Day Cards for my Gram and Step-Mom. I had fun doing them, and worked with some new supplies, namely Glimmer Mist and Smooch inks. I still need lots of practice stamping with the smooch ink. but I like the way they turned out.

For my Gram - Glimmer Mist on the flowers, Smooch Ink on the stamp. Not perfect, but I like it.
For my Step-Mom, funny the papers are actually from DCWV Lullaby pack, but match the pre-made tag. I really like how it turned out....even the little butterflies.

I'm actually ahead of the calendar for once - I'd usually be making my cards the day before Mother's Day. Now, I hope I can stay on top of the upcoming birthdays.

Happy Spring!


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