Time for Giving Thanks

Wow! Where has the year gone? This week is already Thanksgiving and I have so much to give thanks for. Working at the Food Drive for the Evelyn Mount Outreach here in town this week, I thought about how lucky I really am, while I don't have everything I want, I do have everything I ever need. 

Many years ago, while making a cross-country move, I was homeless for a week - not just living in a hotel, with no job, but truly homeless, sleeping on the floor in a friend of mine's deserted home, with no electricity, no hot water or air conditioning (summer in Vegas) just my sleeping bag on the floor. For that I am thankful, because it made me realize that I have friends who while they could not spare much, could give me a safe place to sleep, friends who lent me their showers so I could be clean for my job. After a week I was able to afford to house myself again.....I hope that I never have to experience that again. 

Now I have a nice roof over my head, a job, and plenty of food to eat. I can pay my bills and take vacations when I like. I have so much. I have beautiful, wonderful sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces and nephews that I love, wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins, who love me with all my faults (I think), and friends who are there when the going gets tough. I am blessed and truly thankful. 

 I'm also very thankful that I get to spend time being creative in my crafting space. The past couple of weeks I have been making Christmas Cards. Last weekend I was lucky enough to spend time with friends, first getting an Arbonne facial (thanks Bernadette) and then crafting with Tash and Tanya. I got a few cards made and I was able to make a few more today, so here are my offerings.

These first 2 cards were made with Graphic 45 paper 'Nutcracker Suite' is the collection. I really like how they turned out.

Sorry, again blogger is not cooperating with the loading of files , these cards were made with Bo Bunny - Winter Joy, probably my all time favorite line

Echo Park's Wintertime was the bases for these cards - I found the prototype on Pinterest, I really like how they turned out. *yes, it's tin-foil

And lastly, these are really some scrap cards, very simple with a simple stamp and some bling. 

Looking forward to a busy week, work, seeing the latest installment of the Twilight saga with the girls, Thanksgiving at Trav and Tawn's, searching for Christmas trees in the mountains, and hopefully some more scrappy time. 

I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy that turkey dinner and take time to count your blessings.

Dream Big


  1. Lisa, as always, your cards are lovely. Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. very pretty, I'm like Chris & love the G45 paper!

  3. All very pretty cards. I love the one with the tin foil-so cute!

  4. Love the tin foil idea. I've been watching that G45 paper too. Love it, just need it at binge prices lol.


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