
Showing posts from November, 2012

Time for Giving Thanks

Wow! Where has the year gone? This week is already Thanksgiving and I have so much to give thanks for. Working at the Food Drive for the Evelyn Mount Outreach here in town this week, I thought about how lucky I really am, while I don't have everything I want, I do have everything I ever need.  Many years ago, while making a cross-country move, I was homeless for a week - not just living in a hotel, with no job, but truly homeless, sleeping on the floor in a friend of mine's deserted home, with no electricity, no hot water or air conditioning (summer in Vegas) just my sleeping bag on the floor. For that I am thankful, because it made me realize that I have friends who while they could not spare much, could give me a safe place to sleep, friends who lent me their showers so I could be clean for my job. After a week I was able to afford to house myself again.....I hope that I never have to experience that again.  Now I have a nice roof over my head, a job, and plenty of ...