Life throwing curve balls......Time for endings and beginnings.

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've updated my blog. With the curve ball I was thrown late last week, I've decided to dust off this blog and begin again. It's a time for new beginnings, new adventures are on the horizon. It's also a time for endings. Before anyone get's too worried, the curve ball is not life or death, not even health related, but life does have a way of making you pause for a few minutes to take stock. In light of that fact, I'm dusting off my blog and documenting my journey, hopefully this will also help me rediscover my creative path, which has been missing for most of 2015, so here goes.

It has most definitely been a year of changes, the best news of all is that I became a great aunt in February. Synnovea (Snowy) was born to my niece Teresa on Feb 10th. 
Isn't she adorable......

Here she is at 7.5 months

She's growing up so fast. Soon she will be running around getting into all kinds of trouble.

I've also been reconnecting with old friends. In February, I caught up with one of my closest friends, Heather, it had been several years since we had seen each other, Getting together for breakfast and lots of catching up was so wonderful, hopefully, we will be able to get together again soon. Colorado isn't that far away.....

In March, my twin (from another mother and 3 years younger) was in Vegas for a conference. We were able to spend an afternoon and evening together. After, 33 years, we still were sisters, and will continue to keep in touch.

In May, I spent the weekend in San Diego, at Scrapbook Expo, and catching up with family. My aunt was visiting her daughter-in-law and grand-daughter for the week, so I got to see them for dinner.

Stephanie, Jaime, Lucy and I at BJ's. I also had the chance to meet up with an old friend from college, we spent several hours talking and having a couple of glasses of wine. Since then we've met up again in Las Vegas for my birthday, and spent many enjoyable hours on the phone. I'm enjoying having a new-old friend back in my life.

In the next few weeks I'm hoping to catch up with an old friend from high school, when he's in town for a conference, it's been several years since we've seen each other. The last time was at one of our reunions. I'm looking forward to spending time with him and his girlfriend.

All of these meetings have been great and none were expected, so I am grateful for the chance to get together with everyone. These are all new beginnings. I love spending time with everyone.

In September, I moved into my own apartment again. I enjoyed living at Pat's and she is a great fun, but I'm not a very good roommate, I've spent too many years on my own, and had a hard time adjusting to having someone around all of the time. I also didn't have a lot of space, which most likely has contributed to my lack of creativity for the past year. I now have a nice, new 2 bedroom place and have been busy setting up housekeeping. Next task, cleaning out the guest room, so I can set up my creative space, and maybe have some house guests.

Now for the endings......Late last week, work threw me a curve ball. In the midst of all of the re-organization going on at IGT, there we layoffs, and while I've been able to avoid the ax for the past 7 years of layoffs, this time I wasn't so lucky. November 6th will be my last official day at IGT, while I'm a bit sad and scared, I'm also somewhat excited about finding a new career. Keep your fingers crossed, that I find something that's a good fit for my skillset.

I guess that's all for now. I will be updating the blog with my job hunt results as well as working on finding my creativity mojo.

Thanks and keep dreaming.


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